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Black Friday sales scams and how to avoid falling for them


Black Friday is all about great bargains and the best offers which attract both luxurious shoppers and penny-pinchers. However, the ability to get a bargain from a promotion is sometimes accompanied with weakness in the individual and group scruting processes, making one easily fall prey to con-artists. As much as online shopping has become the order of the day, people are confronted with an equal possibility of falling victim to a scheme. Here is how you can shop during Black Friday and not be the victim of a scam.

1. Are things too good to come true? It Probably Is.
The age-old saying holds: where there is a high probability of getting a dream deal, then the reverse is most probably the case. Fraudsters tend to use some of the following tactics, including offering very affordable products which are very much in demand in the market, for instance gadgets or brand new clothing and accessories from famous designers. It is advisable to type in the product name on the search bar and read more about it and check on other sites that are selling it at better offers. If this is the case, there may be a problem if the differences are extensive.

2. Stick to Reputable Retailers.
What many people cannot resist is to be enticed by the Black Friday ads and click on ads from unrelated websites they have never used or perhaps have even heard of. Still, it is wiser to remain with well-recognized, established chains. So, if you are in doubt about the certain website, search for the customer testimonials, physical address and the phone number. Online scammers tend to imitate websites of genuine stores, so, ensure that the links are correct, or slightly mistyped, or with suspicious domain endings.

3. Beware of Phishing Scams.
There are many fake offers regarding Black Friday with the criminals sending emails or text messages that seem to originate from genuine stores. These messages often contain links to a fake site that’s purpose is to try and get you to give up your personal and financial information. To prevent this, do not tap on links sent through unknown email or message.
If you liked blowing and clicking, do not blow and click on the links attached to the unknown emails or messages. However, do not go through a search engine to reach the retailer site but rather, use the direct Uniform Resource Locator (URL).

4. Use Secure Payment Methods.
While shopping online, be very cautious on how you make the payments, try to use credit cards or some secured payment options such as PayPal. These remain more secure than the use of debit cards or bank transfers when it comes to the protection against fraud. Also, do not store your payment details on websites, and wherever you get an option for two-factor authentication take it.

5. Be very careful of fake apps, fake websites.
There are possibilities of the scammers developing clones of the genuine app or a website which will be very much similar to that of the actual retailer. These fakes can then extort your particulars or even infuse your device with viruses. Always download apps from the app store andmake sure that the site you are visiting is encrypted (the address will start with ‘https’ and it will have a little lock icon besides it).

6. Two things that anyone viewing the product should see include the return policies and the reviews that other buyers have made towards the particular seller.
When considering to make a purchase, especially from an unknown or a newly established store, always go through their ‘return policy’ and customer reviews. There is usually a very short or in fact no return policy and the scammers will more often than not take off after the sale. Customer feedback also helps in determining the authenticity or otherwise of a given seller or merchant together with the quality of the products they deal in.

7. Monitor Your Bank Statements.
You should also financially monitor your accounts even after bombs full of discounts such as Black Friday. Anything which seems off, especially in terms of money transfer, do not hesitate to contact your bank. Hire a professional to help you conduct frequent audits in order to encourage early detection of fraud so that further loss may be averting and the lost amount can Plus, be retrieved.

8. Be Sure to Learn Some of the Most Frequent Scams Around
Knowledge is the only weapon that can protect you from fraudulent activities. Make sure you recognize Black Friday fraud that is coming in the form of fake order confirmation, fake charity organization, and fake products. In this way, you will be able to identify what you should avoid while shopping and thus shop wisely and avoid fraud.

Black Friday should be a day where consumers can look forward to different deals that are being offered rather than be on the lookout for con artist. These measures should be taken so as not to fall prey to fraudsters who are always on the prowl looking for their next easy target. Always bear in mind that it is way better to let the deal go rather than risk one’s self or financial integrity. Happy shopping!

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